Thursday, November 27, 2008
Written report
At the initial stage of the semester, without a little knowledge to the colour theory, i found that it is hard to undergo the analysis. Since lots of colour, which look almost the "same", are applied on the whole collections for every years, i felt confused. It seems that every years are the same and no specific outcome can be concluded.
However, when time goes, i learn more about the colour theory, knowing that hue and colour are different! For hue refers to a pure color, while colour can be a same hue of different tint, shade, value, saturation! I started to analyze the collections differently, not only by how many hue, but also focus on the differences on value, saturation, tint and shade. I analyzed the 2004 and 2009 S/S collections, by applying the colour theory to make conclusion. I extracted the colour palette from the clothing and plotted the colour on the colour wheels to show the distribution of the colour each year. It is interesting to notice that some patterns can be observed, such as complementary, analogy etc. I learn how to apply colour harmoniously for the whole collection base on these theory now.
Before the presentation of the group researh, we wrongly thought that black, grey and white are the colours that Marc Jacobs likes to ultilize. In fact, it seems to be a MUST in every other brands too. It is because the brand need to care about each of its customers for the commercial reason. Some people may feel awful to accept a new colour combination, or they just want to locate at the safety point. As a result, i found that achromatic colour is less worthy to analyze and turned back my focus to the colour with saturation.
While predicting the F/W collection of 2009, i also found that not only the data collected can have effect on the colour forecasting, but also the social culture, designer background, countries etc. Also, while predicting the colour, we should also think of what we want to express. It should be lots of consideration, like" Why i choose this colour?", "What colours i am using?", "How to combine the colour in one single outfit or even a whole collection?", "Which tone should i use in a single hue?", " Who should i design for?", "In which occassion they will dress?"............. Also, we have to deal with the relationship and ratio between each colour since it can affect the whole feeling of the collection. For more detailed, please see the post "Colour forcasting of fashion trend of Marc Jacobs 2009 F/W Women RTW (1) & (2) on 8th & 27th November.
In this collection, i would like to bring out a feeling of sedate. It is sure that the economic crisis have the big impact on the globe. So that the people would be down for the coming year. For the fabric, knitted wear are mostly used to show the the feeling of sedate. However, i would like to use warm colour to show the optimist towards this challenge. Also, flare is used for each single outfit to balance the feeling of sedate. Therefore, complementary are used in this collection for the harmony of colour.
Colour forcasting of fashion trend of Marc Jacobs 2009 F/W Women RTW (2)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Class exercise 5

I think that the eight driving force of fashion are
(1) Past experience
-fashion is a cycle
-A cycle must be repeated
(2) Rivals of companies
(3) Economy of the society
-If teenagers have more money, they spend more on fashion to express themselves or show individuality.
(4) Music
-Different style influences fashion
e.g. Teddy Boy-> Male
Tutu-> Female
(5) Intution
(6) Movie
-Teenagers easily affected by celebrities
e.g. Sex and the city made Manolo Blahnik becomes popular.
(7) Trend of the entile society/globe
(8) The need of consumers
-For different events/functions
e.g. Party, uniform, trendy, functional. stylish......
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Class exercise 4

I use sapphire, leaf green, violet, sky blue, turquoise and lavender as the basic colour family.
Sapphire, leaf green, violet are analogous colour.
Sky blue, turquoise and lavender are analogous colour too.
And, sky blue, turquoise and lavender are the tint colour of sapphire, leaf green, violet .
It is a harmonious colour scheme.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Class exercise 3

Due to Art Nouveau, which is characterized by organic, especially floral and other plant-inspired motifs, as well as highly-stylized, flowing curvilinear forms. As a result, pastel pale pea, beige, and also pale grey are the colours dominated in this period of time.
Due to the present of the Ballets Russes, billiant primary colour inwild combination are used. Mustards, violets, yellows and blues became popular in day time wear.
Due to the establishment of chanel flesh tone and also pale beige are used. The Men's Dress Reform Party introduced the red colour for the lipstick.

Due to the present of World war II, the colour used are not rich in the quantity of dye. Navy blue, brown and black were rarely seen due to the usage of such a large quantity of dye. Therefore, khaki, Olive,drab colour are used to represent the wartime.
Colour are brilliant during this period, such as green, turquoise (Bayer Company), pale yellow, amethyst, lilac, pink(Jacque Faths) and soft red.

Colourists retrieved to neutral colour and left away for the colourful 50s. Other causes are hippies and also drug scene. Psychedelic colours are used.

With the influences of street, black is dominated for providing the young feeling.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Colour forcasting of fashion trend of Marc Jacobs 2009 F/W Women RTW (1)

Let me quote some of the conclusion before.
(1) More hues are used for recent year
(2) Achromatic colors : black, white and grey must be present in each season's collection
(3) A simple combination is adopted. for each outfit,the no. of colour is usually not more than 3.
(4) MJ likes to use artificial colors.
(5) MJ uses colors of high saturation every season, but the amount decreases in recent seasons.
(6) Spring and Fall colors are related. the colors used in Fall collection are usually the colors of spring collection in a lower value (with shade).
(7) There is a trend that MJ tends to use colors in lower values.
(8) MJ loves lavender , violet, brilliant red, turquoise, yellowish brown, khaki. they almost appear in every collection. BLACK, WHITE, GREY are the must.
There are some explanation for the conclusion.
Colour scheme with more hue is used since nowaday consumers have an increasing cultural unity and personal commitments to have a better environment. People is becoming more optimistic and they are more receptive to bright, layered colors, contrasted with earthy, neutral tones.
For the achromatic colour, they MUST be presented in each collection due to the comerical reason. Each people have difference perception to the colours. For some people they may like the colour that someone hate most. It is common for different people to accept different colours. As a result, black and white colour must be presents due to the colourless. It is easy for mix and match. Also, people do not need to worry about the wrong matching of colour. For consumer, they can buy the clothing with no reason for lacking of the colour they like.
So, in conclusion, for the fall-winter of 2009, there is a high tendency of high number of hues used in his collection. Artifical colours such as salmon rose, rose dust, fushia red, sapphire, violet will still be used for the following season but with a lower value. However, light colour likes lavender, super lemon may not be used.
Also, we should also base on the social issues to make the colour forecasting.
I notice that there are some societal trends, with the first one is the optimist. People have begun to take personal responsibility for environmental issues, making positive changes to improve the world we share. As a result, colour scheme with greater hue is used to show the positive feeling which mean life is colourful and beautiful. Also, strong saturated hues including sapphire, pumpking orange and leap green. Each color is strong and independent, but works well when balanced with other colors in the palette. The colour scheme comes up with flashy and bright accents originating from the hope of human.
Also, due to the present of the global financial crisis, there would be a great chance of the designers to use colour tone with lower value to presnet the sad feeling.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Class exercise 2
Here is the classwork at the initial stage of the lesson.
Descriptions and explanations:
Brown is the colour tone of this boutique to give a natural feeling. An animal skin is used as the carpet of this fashion boutique, so a natural colour tone is used to give a coherence to the carpet used. White is used as the floor to give a sense of fresh feeling to prevent over use of the deep colur inside the boutique. Principle of familiarity is adapted to this boutique as it is pleasing and readily accepted. Brown colour of the wood, light brown of wood , yellow of the flower centre, white of the cloud are all extracted from the natural environment.
Here is the class exercise before the end of class.

Like many other high fashion boutique, plain style should be used in order to step out the focus, which is the products. The interior design of the boutique should not be too dull or dark in order to emphasis the products. Following the theme of natural, the natural colours as mentioned before are also used but with a tint colour. The overall colour saturation used is reduced so that a lighter feeling is promoted.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Class exercise 1
I was requrired to colour the following fashion collections by applying colour theories and principles.
Here is the collection before listening to robert's recommendation of the colour used.
Description and explanations:
Achromatic schemes are used as the colour tone of the clothing, where black, grey and white are used. It is also a kind of monochromatic colour scheme. This is used for its simplicity and also easy to match. Black seems to be a safety colour for most of the colour to prevent wrong matching. Also, it can give the model to look more slender. The colour tone is very commerical.
After listened to robert's introduction to the usage of the 6-blocks colour, i applied the other colour scheme to the collection.

Description and explanations:
Previously I neglect of the skin's colour of the model. We should care about the skin colour of the model too. Notice that sharp colour and light colour can have a great contrast with the tone of the skin, which is black, to emphasis on both of the model and the clothing. We should also aware about the season of dressing. Imaging that it is in the occassion of summer, which is a very hot and sunny day, then warm colour such as red, orange and yellow are used. Analogous colour scheme is used by applying the 6-blocks colouration to create a sense of harmony.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Marc Jacobs - 2003 S/S to 2009 S/S Women RTW - Conclusion
We come up with the following conclusions:
1. MJ is using more hues these years.
2. achromatic colors : black, white and grey must be present in each season's collection
3. a simple combination is adopted. for each outfit,the no. of colour is usually not more than 3.
4. MJ likes to use artificial colors.
5. MJ uses colors of high saturation every season, but the amount decreases in recent seasons.
6. Spring and Fall colors are related. the colors used in Fall collection are usually the colors of spring collection in a lower value ( with shade).
7. there is a trend that MJ tends to use colors in lower values.
8. MJ loves lavender , violet, brilliant red, turquoise, yellowish brown, khaki. they almost appear in every collection. BLACK, WHITE, GREY are the must.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Marc Jacobs - 2008 S/S & F/W Women RTW - Comparison with competitor
Colour: Shocking Red, Shocking Pink, Sharp Orange, Sharp Purple , dark Turquoise, yellowish-khaki , black, white
fabrics : Satin, Fur, Silk
comparison : both of the collection involved a lot of black and white, while grey is the color that Jacobs always love. MJ still sticked to the pastel colors while CD tried some sharp colors.Christian Dior 2008 S/S
Color used: Shocking red, pastel turquoise, khaki, brown, shocking orange, black, white
fabric: silk, satinpattern: leopard skin, zebra skinc
omparison: both of MJ and CD use pastel colors in soft fabrics to create a feminine soft seemed that pastel color and soft figure was the trend of the season.
Marc Jacobs - 2008 Women RTW - Overall colour analysis
More is coming up! ( the shades of black and grey and metallic colors )
Comparing S/S and F/Wsome of the colors like turquoise, lavender and pale pink are repeated used,this kind of colors give a feeling of softness, comfort and femininity.Khaki are often used, too.the color of the 2 collections are quite similar actually. Except that in the F/W collection there are some metallic colors.
Marc Jacobs - 2008 S/S Women RTW - Color Analysis 2
Marc Jacobs - 2008 F/W Women RTW - Color Analysis
An image of formality, simplicity and elegance is moulded.but even if the majority is grey or black, MJ added bright colors to accessories and shoes.
The outfit is thus more playful.
Apart from pastel colors, metallic colors are also used.golden and silver color, some mixed with a bit of brown dark blue and grey, make the costume shiny and spendid.